Thursday, September 24, 2009

Obama a true PATRIOT?

During America's obnoxiously long Presidential election season, we were led to believe that Barack Obama was the anti-war candidate. A man who had no real legislative record, Obama took down Hillary Clinton in the Democratic Primary by focusing on her vote for the war. Against John McCain, an unabashed war-hawk, Barack Obama made clear his differences with the Bush-McCain militaristic policies. I really thought that Obama would make a positive impact in this realm and really help improve the world's view on America by cutting back on our military spending, scaling back our empire, and ending the war in Iraq. I was worried about his rhetoric on Afghanistan, but some improvement would be better than none.

However, like Obama the free-trader, Obama the non-interventionist is a myth. Instead of scaling back the wars in the Middle-East, Obama is scaling up the war effort. He is sending thousands of more troops to each country and has no plan for getting out. He talked the talk to get elected, but he is not walking the walk. Pandering much?

What about Obama on the Patriot Act and torture? He signed a meaningless document that will close Guantanamo Bay, but this does not mean the end of torture. What about prosecuting the criminals from the previous administration? He is refusing prosecute because he plans on using the same or similar techniques. I have no doubts about this. Obama is a war-hawk like Bush. Not religiously motivated, instead, Obama personifies hubris. He has said that he plans on reauthorizing the PATRIOT Act. How can civil liberty supporters support this man.

"The Obama administration gets a D overall for civil liberties, including a D- for electronic surveillance and a D for the way that state and local fusion centers run by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security collect data on U.S. residents, said Chip Pitts, president of the board for the Bill of Rights Defense Committee."

Totalitarianism is in the air. We now are getting regulation of the internet. The Obama administration has continued the NSA's internet monitoring program. This really is the most totalitarian administration we have ever had. Where is the left's outrage? Is it okay to violate civil liberties if you talk about their importance? We should be legitimately scared of this man and this administrtation because, unlike Bush, Obama is not a complete moron. He knows exactly what he is doing.

1 comment:

  1. Read More

    Here are some references. The hyperlinks did not show up the first time.
